Our experience in the heritage and conservation sector has led us to work on prestigious Grade 1 and 2 listed buildings, such as Churches, Cathedrals, Houses and Monuments in London, Manchester, Liverpool, Preston and other towns and Cities in the UK.
Our family joined some of the most reputable conservation companies in our Capital in 2010 on a major conservation project to Westminster Abbey's Chapter House for English Heritage. We provided and installed the parapet gutter timber work and protection to the existing roof and new roof coverings to the Chapter House.
In 2003 following Preston becoming England's 50th City the previous year, our family worked as site management transforming St Johns Parish Church into the stunning St Johns Minster. Working closely with the architects on the £2m project following Preston being granted City status after winning the golden City contest as part of the Queens golden Jubilee.

Our services include:
Timber land and parapet gutter substrates
Roofing timber repairs
​New roofing timber installation
Rot repairs and treatments
Roof covering repairs
Internal and external moulding work (repairs and new)
Timber repairs, including "repaircare" and traditional splicing methods
Rainwater goods
Wooden panelling
Conservation roof lights
Plus much more...